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Tomato project

As a common vegetable, tomato has a long history of planting. It is an economic and healthy vegetable indispensable to our table. Tomato is a kind of vegetable that likes temperature sex, had better grow in the rich soil with deep soil layer, good drainage, rich organic matter. After many years of cultivation of many varieties, the planting area is also increasing, the ability to adapt to the environment has been greatly improved. During tomato growth, it is very sensitive to fertilization at all critical stages. So how to fertilize tomatoes and how to fertilize them has become a top priority for vegetable farmers.


Tomato growth period for four to six months, the traditional cultivation not only need to apply fertilizers also need additional foliar fertilizer, if do not pay attention to when foliar fertilizer fertilizer be sprinkled on a leaf fertilizer injury occurs, rinse off excess fertilizer, increase water content of leaves and relief of leaf injury, it's virtually increased the farmers' labor costs.


With the application of controlled release fertilizer, only 40kg of base fertilizer is needed for each mu of tomato, and the controlled release period is as long as 3 months, which can completely meet the demand for nutrients in the growing period of tomato. In the later stage, growers can apply water-soluble fertilizer according to the growth situation of tomatoes. Water-soluble fertilizer adopts the form of drip irrigation, which greatly improves the utilization rate of fertilizers, saves the topdressing of leaves and avoids the risk of fertilizer injury to tomatoes.

Through the regulation of tomato leaves, flowers, fruits, stems and other aspects, Sigar can stimulate the excellent genes and biological activities of various enzymes in tomato body to shape a reasonable plant type, increase the pollen content, promote the absorption of root system, and improve the fruit setting rate. Release good controlled release fertilizer contains essential growth promoting element of tomato, which can accelerate the development speed of plant, make the leaves thick green moist, branches thick and strong, fruits large and bright, bright and red, meat thickening, fruit weight increasing, early ripening, yield greatly increased.


Virtor Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd.

Telephone: 029-89182243

Technical service hotline: 400-860-2606

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